StartUpWorld Projects
Dear future IT professionals - In this era of global competition where technology is changing in the speed of an eye wink, a degree in B.Tech(IT)/MCA gives you the fundamentals of IT but to make it to the industry one needs to go through an on the job training as well as certain exposure to the know-how of the industry...

Mission : Foster innovation world wide, promote cross cultural/international teams and create psyched-up team members for world class organizations.

SmartCookie is Teacher Student reward program. With this project we are trying to develop an environment where Teachers and Students will give ....
Campus Radio

Campus Radio stations serve as cultural unifies, connecting students through music and news, providing college students with information about local news ....
Campus TV

Campus TV is an intranet based infotainment service. Campus TV airs short films and programs. It also carries, tutorials, seminars and subjects of interest in .....
Ethical HR

thical HR is a solution created for both the prospect candidates, employees and employers. The aim of this online platform is to integrate the ....

Are you one of those patients who strictly follow their Medication schedule? Doctors across the world have noticed the spike in patients who try to 'adjust' their ...
Uttam Pushpa ORG

The mission has primarily been to support Health, Education and Art. Under the current COVID crisis we want to help Small and Medium Enterprise ....
Rewarding Nation

Blue Planet Info Solutions India Pvt Ltd was founded in 1997 by a group of technologists with extensive experience in Corporate America.

Mission : Foster innovation world wide, promote cross cultural/international teams and create psyched-up team members for world class organizations.