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Smart Cookie

Block chain for Smart Cookie Reward points system

Block chain, an interesting domain in computer science, is a shared database which stores information as blocks in a digital format. One of the key aspects of this blockchain-based loyalty platform would be that it will allow users to participate in a transaction anonymously and still get the value as a participant/trader.


The Blockchain-based Online Education smartcookie Rewards system is proposed for an online review and rewards system that offers a decentralized trustworthy system. The original Blockchain is open-source technology.


This free online blockchain course introduces you to Blockchain technology and all its applications. You will learn about the differences between public and private keys and how to use them to securely.

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Block chain for Smart Cookie Reward points system

Career as a Block chain Developer

Those interested in pursuing a career as a Block chain developer should have a basic knowledge of information technology, data security and computer science. An understanding of distributed systems, networking, cryptography and data structures would be a plus for this internship project too.


1. Public blockchain

Public blockchain is non-restrictive and permissionless, and anyone with internet access can sign on to a blockchain platform to become an authorized node.

2. Private blockchain

A blockchain network that works in a restrictive environment like a closed network, or that is under the control of a single entity, is a private blockchain.

3. Hybrid blockchain

When a user joins a hybrid blockchain, they have full access to the network. The user's identity is protected from other users, unless they engage in a transaction.

4. Consortium blockchain

In a consortium blockchain, the consensus procedures are controlled by preset nodes. It has a validator node that initiates, receives and validates transactions. Member nodes can receive or initiate transactions.

5. Challenges

There are challenges with restrictions and rules, reward options and the most common problem: losing track of accumulated rewards points.

6. Concepts Used

. They should be well versed in concepts such as cryptography, consensus, hash functions, distributed ledgers, smart contracts and any other concepts integral to understanding block chain's inner working.